sábado, mayo 18, 2024

In Celaya, Javier Mendoza guarantees backing and support to the collectives searching for missing persons

#Celaya , #Gto . – The Secretary of the City Council, through the Coordination of Human Rights, the Secretary of Citizen Security, the Municipal DIF and INSMUJER, will be areas of the Municipal Government that will work hand in hand with the search groups for missing persons.

This was agreed in a meeting this January 10 and will be held on a monthly basis to give special attention and follow up to the search collectives «Guanajuato Search Project» and «Mariposas Destellando Buscando Corazones y Justicia» (Butterflies Flashing Searching for Hearts and Justice).

«I know it is difficult to understand, but we make your pain our own and count on us 100 percent in everything that is within our competence; we will shake hands and we will walk,» was the message of the municipal president, Francisco Javier Mendoza Márquez.

The Human Rights Coordination of the City Hall Secretariat is in charge of coordinating the work with the agencies; the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) has «Immediate Search Links»; the INSMUJER will provide various supports and workshops; and the DIF will also create a unique folio of attention to each family member.


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